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#   version: 2018-04-18
#   Niskin bottle sample data
#   from monthly HOT cruises to deep-water Station ALOHA
cruise_name  EXPOCODE   Ship       STNNBR  CASTNO  section  ISO_DateTime          Date    Year  Month  Day  timeutc  timecode  lon        lat      nav_code  depth_max  pres_max  depth_hgt  parameters     comments                   HOT_summary_file_name        
206          33KB206_1  33KB206/1  50      1       PRS2     2008-12-02T21:01:00   120208  2008  12     02   2101     BE        -157.9033  22.8002  GPS       4712       204       4509       nd             Dual T; C sensors          cruise.summaries/hot206.sum  
ROSETTE   CTDPRS    A_CAR     ALKALIN   ATP       B_CAR     BUT_19    CAROTEN   CHL_Plus  CHLC1_2   CHLDA_A   CHL_A     CHL_B     CHL_C3    CHL_C4    CTDOXY    CTDSAL    CTDTMP    DIADINO   DIC       DOC       DON       DOP       DV_CHLA   E_BACT    FUCO      GTP       H_BACT    H2O2      HEX_19    HPLCchl   LLN       LLP       LLSi      LUTEIN    MV_CHLA   N2O       NO2       NO2_NO3   OXYGEN    P_BACT    P13C      P15N      PC        PERID     PE_pt4u   PE_10u    PE_5u     PH        PHEO      PHSPHT    PIC       PN        PP        PRASINO   PSi       REPLICT  S_BACT  SALNITY   SIGMA     SILCAT    SPEC_SI   TD700A    TD700B    TD700C    TDN       TDP       THETA     VIOL      ZEAXAN    num_bottles  pCO2      QUALT1   QUALT2   QUALT3   QUALT4   QUALT5   QUALT6  QUALT7  QUALT8  QUALT9  QUAL10  
2         6.7       nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        206.4     35.2529   24.8677   nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        1        nd      nd        23.573    nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        24.8663   nd        nd        2            nd        2199999  9999999  9999999  9999999  9999999  999999  999999  999999  999999  999999  
1         101.6     nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        200.3     35.2185   22.6868   nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        1        nd      nd        24.195    nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        22.6663   nd        nd        2            nd        2199999  9999999  9999999  9999999  9999999  999999  999999  999999  999999  999999